If you are looking for something that is simple and you do not have to have very sophisticated equipment, this is the book to read. I strongly recommend that you buy Jailhouse Strong.
— Charles Poliquin - World Renowned Strength Coach

The book that started the movement.

Tired of all the latest exercise “advancements” delivering no results? For less than the cost of a day pass to any trendy chain gym, you can get Jailhouse Strong.


Take your mental game to the next level.

Are you tired of all the latest “self-help” programs that drain your pocket book and offer no real practical plan for self-improvement?


Efficiently lean out and harden up.

Continuing with their Amazon #1 best-selling series, Jailhouse Strong, Bryant and benShea return to deliver a guide on interval training.


Build your grappling strength.

The authors of the Amazon bestselling Jailhouse Strong combine their respective experiences and backgrounds to bring you the most comprehensive guide for building grappling strength.


A story about mentorship, legacy, and tradition.

Told from the authors’ point of view, the reader is introduced to the world of the fabled Tijuana Barbell Club, its unforgettable characters, and its distinctive method of muscle building.


Implement this low carb eating method for fast results.

Turn physical flaccidity into a hardened and honed physique, with this new, user friendly book from the bestselling authors of the Jailhouse Strong series!


A call to action.

Are you falling short of your living your best life? Are you living SMALL, but dreaming BIG? Are you fed up with Sunday nights alone, Monday mornings at a job you can’t stand, and long hours at the gym without noticeable results?